Comment 116284

Parent Comment

Oct 14, 2021, 8:06:56 PM UTC
Entering, please!!

Comment ID 116284

Nov 24, 2021, 6:44:22 AM UTC
Congrats, lucky winner!
You've been chosen to home Mossy Friend! 🧡

Please choose a name and gender for the new friend and we can get the masterbook all updated!
If you are wanting a bio/personality, you are more than welcome to edit that in the player notes! 🧡

— ScruffyCrowsire


  • Nov 24, 2021, 7:17:29 AM UTC
    I'll name the babe Oedipus!! (I'm a nerd + it sounds like Oedipodiopsida) and male bc he's just a Fun-gi :33

    I've had ideas ruminating for all these babbins I'll be honest;
    • Nov 24, 2021, 8:12:15 AM UTC
      Oh, I love that!

      Oedipus's character sheet has been updated! If you'd like to include any nicknames and bio/personality for him, you are more than welcome to add those in the Player Notes!

      • Nov 24, 2021, 8:12:25 PM UTC
        THAMK I don't have too many ideas just yet but you know for darn sure that I'll be yelling in Discord when the ideas do come •̀.̫•́✧