Comment 126444

Comment ID 126444

May 28, 2022, 1:29:25 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on May 28, 2022 by horse42889

Battle Image/Lit: xx

Your Rank: Razorbeak
Your Items: Fire breath stone, black anaruq

Boss Battle?: yes
Are you a Champion?: no

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: no


  • May 30, 2022, 11:36:19 PM UTC
    El Diablo 9387 rumbles deep in their throat, claws sinking into the earth as they prepare for the fight. With a growl, Morgue 8664 tenses, fur along their back rising, ready for the fight to begin.
    Moving a smidge faster than Morgue 8664, El Diablo 9387 manage to get a blow in first.
    TURN 0
    The scent of toxic smoke carries on El Diablo 9387's breath. A white glow begins to form in their chest and travels up their throat. By the time it reaches their mouth it becomes an unavoidable wave of bubbling lava.
    Morgue 8664 is singed for 2 damage.
    El Diablo 9387's anaruq leaps onto Morgue 8664, teeth snapping shut on their shoulder. The canine leaves with a mouthful of blood and feathers, leaving Morgue 8664 with 5 damage.
    El Diablo 9387 snaps their teeth at Morgue 8664's neck, grazing the flesh.
    El Diablo 9387 does 7 total damage to Morgue 8664
    Using their surroundings, Morgue 8664 manages to get in a lucky blow for 7 damange, startling El Diablo 9387.
    Morgue 8664 does 7 total damage to El Diablo 9387
    TURN 1
    El Diablo 9387 snaps their teeth at Morgue 8664's neck, with a clack of their jaws they come away with only air.
    Screeching in frustration, Morgue 8664 lunges for El Diablo 9387, headbutting them for 7 damage and making El Diablo 9387 hiss and back off a few steps.
    Morgue 8664 does 7 total damage to El Diablo 9387
    TURN 2
    El Diablo 9387 makes to rake Morgue 8664 with their claws, but Morgue 8664 yelps and whacks them with their tail, making them miss.
    Morgue 8664 watches and waits for an opportunity, and strikes when they're sure of it, but manages to miss El Diablo 9387 as El Diablo 9387 notices just in time and dodges.
    In the end, Morgue 8664 has more HP left than El Diablo 9387, making Morgue 8664 the victor!
    El Diablo 9387 earns 2 VALOR!
    El Diablo 9387 ends the fight with 86 health.
    Morgue 8664 ends the fight with 93 health.
    El Diablo 9387 walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1 Lily Flowers </a>
    <a href=""> 1 Arrowhead </a>