Comment 126486

Comment ID 126486

May 28, 2022, 5:49:48 PM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on May 29, 2022 by SilveryStormWing vs.
Battle Image/Lit: xx
Silly toggle on? Yes

Your Rank: Phoenix
Your Items: Battle Tack set, Shadow Breath, Slygryph

Boss Battle?: No
Are you a Champion?: No

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: y, 1x Ginger Stryx Cookie via inventory


  • Jun 16, 2022, 4:45:14 AM UTC
    Tuxedo 9199 circles their opponent warily, prepared to strike. Eager for the fight to begin, Hidden 13274 claws the ground in anticipation.
    Tuxedo 9199 manages to strike a second faster than Hidden 13274, earning them the first blow.
    TURN 0
    Tuxedo 9199 spits shadows at Hidden 13274, the dark goo spattering Hidden 13274
    Claws spread wide with gauntlets gleaming on each claw, Tuxedo 9199 latches on for 3 extra damage.
    Watching for an opportunity, Tuxedo 9199 makes their move and manages to catch Hidden 13274 with their claws for 23 damage.
    Tuxedo 9199 does 23 total damage to Hidden 13274
    Hidden 13274 doesn't feel well, poisoned by Tuxedo 9199' shadows, health dropping to 67.
    Setting a trap for Tuxedo 9199, Hidden 13274 lures them into it only for it to barely work, bouncing off of Tuxedo 9199' Helm.
    TURN 1
    Tuxedo 9199' razor sharp gauntlets gash Hidden 13274 for 3 extra damage.
    Tuxedo 9199 snaps their teeth at Hidden 13274's neck, teeth carving deep into their flesh.
    Tuxedo 9199 does 43 total damage to Hidden 13274
    Staggering, Hidden 13274 is drained by Tuxedo 9199' shadows for 10 damage, for a new health of 14.
    Hidden 13274 buries their teeth into Tuxedo 9199 from behind. The only thing standing between Tuxedo 9199 and defeat is their [BlockingArmor[.
    TURN 2
    Claws spread wide with gauntlets gleaming on each claw, Tuxedo 9199 latches on for 3 extra damage.
    Attempting to pin Hidden 13274, Tuxedo 9199 lunges forwards and slams into them for 33 damage, and the two scrap for a moment before separating.
    Tuxedo 9199 does 33 total damage to Hidden 13274
    Hidden 13274 coughs and gives a weak shudder, the shadows sucking the life from them for 10 damage.
    With a victorious cry and a show of strength, Tuxedo 9199 manages to knock out Hidden 13274, winning the match!

    Tuxedo 9199 is at maximum VALOR!

    Tuxedo 9199 ends the fight with 100 health.
    Hidden 13274 ends the fight with 0 health.
    Tuxedo 9199 walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1 Pendant of Fire Resistance </a>
    <a href=""> 1 Pendant of Ice Resistance </a>