Comment 12762

Comment ID 12762

[Art] ZakuDosu kiss
Aug 19, 2005, 6:21:21 PM UTC on [Art] ZakuDosu kiss
Since she's a member, you can credit her with this artwork by going into the members area and clicking "View and Edit Artwork," clicking the circle next to the thumbnail for this pic, then choosing "Edit Artists" from the drop downmenu and click the "Edit" button. You'll then be taken to a screen where you can add Canine American as an artist. Smile

I like the subdued colors you chose here.


  • Aug 19, 2005, 6:46:16 PM UTC
    Aa, thank you for that info. I've gone through and added her to all of the appropriate pictures.
    • Aug 19, 2005, 7:10:51 PM UTC
      thanks. that's a neat feature huh? I don't think there are any other art sites out there that let you add more than one artist. it's a little cumbersome though because it lists ALL the members in that drop down menu. I'll see if i can improve it to make it easier.
      • Aug 19, 2005, 7:28:05 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Aug 19, 2005 by 450
        It's an awesome feature! The only thing I can say for a possible improvement is if the names were alphabetical or if you could just type in the name(s) you wanted, but that's just me...
        • Aug 19, 2005, 10:10:14 PM UTC
          yeah that's what I plan on changing it to. you can just type the name instead of having a drop down list. but actually, on a PC you CAN select the drop down box and begin typing the name and it will select it.