Comment 128492

Parent Comment

May 31, 2022, 11:51:53 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on May 31, 2022 by Shavahiivallah


El Diablo

Battle Image/Lit: X

Your Rank: Phoenix
Your Items:
Battle Tack Set
Breath Stone - Ice
Corrupted Gem
Royal Sphinx

Are you a Champion?: no

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: yes, Ginger Stryx Cookies and/or Glow Mashes are in my inventory

Opponent's Rank: Razorbeak
Opponent's Items:
Breath Stone - Fire
Black Anaruq

Battle Permission: in Discord
Are they a Champion?: no

Auto-Heal Opponent if KO'd?: yes, Ginger Stryx Cookies and/or Glow Mashes are in my inventory

Comment ID 128492

Jul 7, 2022, 4:10:20 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jul 7, 2022 by Alriandi
Winter 4024 lets out a shivering cry as they crouch down, ready to strike. Ready for the fight to begin, El Diablo 9387' body tenses in preparation.
Winter 4024' chilling cry makes El Diablo 9387 hesitate a moment, allowing Winter 4024 to land the first blow.

Winter 4024 cracks their jaws and launches a freezing jet of water at El Diablo 9387, drenching them in cold liquid. El Diablo 9387 shakes off much it but cannot escape the cold grabbing at their joints.
Winter 4024 lashes out with wicked claws, braced by gauntlets. Their strike does 3 damage.
With a fierce battle cry, Winter 4024 snaps at El Diablo 9387's neck, and manages to get in a solid chomp for 123 damage.
Winter 4024 does 123 total damage to El Diablo 9387
Tired but still standing, Winter 4024 knocked out El Diablo 9387, winning the match!

Winter 4024 is at maximum VALOR!
El Diablo 9387 earns 8 VALOR!

Winter 4024 ends the fight with 80 health.
El Diablo 9387 ends the fight with 0 health.

Winter 4024 walks away with:
- 1 Durable Armor
- 1 Arrowhead
- 1 Lily Flowers

El Diablo 9387 walks away with:
- 1 Immunity Cuff
- 1500 Baubles
- 1 Elemental Infusion

No, Stop! He's already dead!

Tagging horse42889 horse42889


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