Comment 128609

Comment ID 128609

[Art] Shikun and Sir Galaxii unleash Chaos unto the Battlefield!!
I said this on discord and I’ll say it again; Galaxii’s absolute terror at being able to create such an attack is so in-character. Knock Out


  • Jul 13, 2022, 2:20:23 PM UTC
    hehe, for Shikun this another boss battle, not her first go with chaos...I was wanting her to use a creature from her legend but with the new reveal of how element work, I am all twisted about, gotta rewrite the entire histiory of the Dracolin and the elements. So went with an eldritch void like creature of unfathom form to horrify everyone in the battle...including Galaxii Tongue
    • Jul 13, 2022, 2:24:29 PM UTC
      It’s definitely a unique way to interpret the element for sure, I wouldn’t have thought to interpret it that way at all!!