Comment 128651

Parent Comment

Jul 13, 2022, 6:42:01 PM UTC
Yeah, i figured. Shikun kinda has a motherly vibe to her, being so warm and almost too pure for this world.Smile
Should children somehow, through a miracle happen to Wösma, lets just hope they get more from their father.( Who ever that would be.)
Also, yeah that last idea sounds very accurate.XD

Comment ID 128651

[Art] Putting the foot down
Jul 14, 2022, 12:02:50 PM UTC on [Art] Putting the foot down I think about it, I have one character who can shift to any gender but they drawn to people to make happy and seem Wosma seem happier when they about to stab a bitch Tongue and then there Kuki who a male but an Dracolin so he hard wired to, once every 5 year, to breed with any female who look like an another Dracolin...heh neither of the lots would come close to Wosma intrested. about the only character who likely to get close to Wosma from friend to more is Shikun, an aspect of innocent and love for the world mess in with a warrior strength and kick ass attiude that Wosma can likely respect at the least. Shikun make froend easy Tongue Kuki dedicated warrior, I can see Wosma and him competing to one up each other in battle Tongue hehe, though can not say how well character mess well, Read Wosma back story and some of the comic but never say what may click with an character...I do have Azerai...they are genderless as they breed in an intresting way, but If I post them up as a character, not sure how Wosma feel about them since due to the fact their left eye reveal their emotion, they lack an understanding or reason to lie or fib or hide their feeling....Wosma may find that annoying with an character so open about their feeling and thought...not sure, but moot until get off my butt and post them Tongue


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