Comment 129300

Comment ID 129300

Aug 1, 2022, 4:54:16 AM UTC

Battle Image/Lit: n/a

Your Rank: Razorbeak
Your Items: Harpy

Boss Battle?: no
Are you a Champion?: no

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: not this time

Roll with shenanigans?: absolutely


  • Oct 9, 2022, 9:21:23 AM UTC
    Axis 9238 rumbles deep in their throat, claws sinking into the earth as they prepare for the fight. Eager for the fight to begin, Thunderhead 12437 claws the ground in anticipation.
    Lunging forwards, Axis 9238 takes Thunderhead 12437 by surprise and gets in a first blow.

    TURN 0
    Feeling particularly clever, Axis 9238 makes a devious move for Thunderhead 12437, but Thunderhead 12437 manages to dodge most of it and is only struck for 5 damage.
    Axis 9238 does 5 total damage to Thunderhead 12437
    Thunderhead 12437 lunges forwards and scores a solid hit with their claws for 15 damage.
    Thunderhead 12437 does 15 total damage to Axis 9238

    TURN 1
    Axis 9238 prepares a devastating attack on Thunderhead 12437, but get distracted by something shiny and forgets they were in a battle.
    Instead of attacking, Thunderhead 12437 decides to take a break, and gives Axis 9238 a piece of their mind.

    TURN 2
    Thunderhead 12437 chucks some dirt in Axis 9238' eyes, causing them to miss and stumble, unable to see.
    Thunderhead 12437 watches and waits for an opportunity, and strikes when they're sure of it, but manages to miss Axis 9238 as Axis 9238 notices just in time and dodges.

    The fight was hard-fought, but eventually Thunderhead 12437 comes out the victor as they have more HP than Axis 9238!

    Thunderhead 12437 earns 10 VALOR!
    Axis 9238 earns 2 VALOR!

    Axis 9238 ends the fight with 85 health.
    Thunderhead 12437 ends the fight with 95 health.

    Axis 9238 walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1 Basic Armor </a>
    <a href=""> 1 Basic Armor </a>