Comment 130742

Parent Comment

Aug 24, 2022, 7:45:11 PM UTC
Hello! Everything looks good so far, if you could add the following lineage in I can get them into the approved queue:


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown

----------------- SS: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown

Sire: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown

----------------- SD:

------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown

----------------- DS: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown


------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown

----------------- DD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Please reply to this comment when added!

For admin use:

Comment ID 130742

[Art] Nightrunner (corrected)
Sep 2, 2022, 2:44:40 AM UTC on [Art] Nightrunner (corrected)


  • Sep 4, 2022, 6:50:47 AM UTC
    One more thing, appologies - it seems you no longer have a Biorhythm Elixr in your inventory, if you could purchase one & reply here when done.
    • Sep 4, 2022, 4:45:19 PM UTC
      Woops, went and triple checked that I had enough items for all my current designs, forgot to check the one REALLY old one I had sitting around that just got approved -- purchased, though, should be good to go!