Comment 132022

Comment ID 132022

[Art] Classy Gentleladyman
Sep 26, 2022, 3:55:37 PM UTC on [Art] Classy Gentleladyman
Ooooh! Primrose going to the ball?! did not know, you been so silence of late :'( I need to draw a piccy with Primrose soon.

This is awesome, love the cute doodle art Smile and Carmine look cool in her outfit!


  • Sep 26, 2022, 9:42:45 PM UTC
    Sorry about that been hiding in the void XD I need to draw Shikun soon too been missing drawing her smol self Big Smile also thank you ^u^
    • Sep 27, 2022, 1:01:32 PM UTC
      thought you were takeing a break from PD after Artfight so while had idea for ball piccy I figure you were not participating...The only question is, put the Primrose in an dress, suit or something totaly diffrent since they are from the wild on another planet Tongue The biggest thoughts I had all month. Dress up the Primrose Smile and not sure Primrose going to battle the vampy....he want to sippy forest spirit blood >Big Smile
      • Sep 27, 2022, 9:16:51 PM UTC
        I did take a break after artfight XD took a month away from drawing. Prim would never miss a chance to attend a party Wink And they are going different this time going for a dress inspired by the ones they saw humans wear the small time they watched them in the 20s Big Smile And gonna do a few boss battles too just getting done the reopened quest Smile