Comment 132227

Comment ID 132227

Oct 1, 2022, 4:23:58 AM UTC
Battle Image/Lit: n/a

Your Rank: Razorbeak
Your Items: Bracers, Gauntlets, Saddle, Helm, Shadow Breath, Harpy, Sphinx (Sphinx roll priority)

Boss Battle?: no
Are you a Champion?: no :c

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: n/a

Roll with shenanigans?: always :3


  • Nov 22, 2022, 8:14:42 AM UTC
    Only one companion can be used in the Arena, I will be rolling Sphinx as thats what you preferred.

    Eager for the fight to begin, Crowley 7680 claws the ground in anticipation. Cracks glowing along Senka, The Wraith 13023' feathers flare as they prepare for the fight.
    Feeling clever, Crowley 7680 manages to outsmart Senka, The Wraith 13023, striking first.

    TURN 0
    Crowley 7680 lunges for Senka, The Wraith 13023, but Senka, The Wraith 13023 manages to dodge and Crowley 7680 misses.
    Out of ideas, Senka, The Wraith 13023 makes a move for Crowley 7680, and unsuprisingly Crowley 7680 sees it coming and bats their blow aside.

    TURN 1
    Crowley 7680 lunges forwards and gapes their jaw, enveloping Senka, The Wraith 13023 in a stream of shadows.
    Crowley 7680 lashes out with wicked claws, braced by gauntlets. Their strike does 1 damage.
    Crowley 7680 lunges forwards and scores a solid hit with their claws for 31 damage.
    Crowley 7680 does 31 total damage to Senka, The Wraith 13023
    Senka, The Wraith 13023 coughs and gives a weak shudder, the shadows sucking the life from them for 5 damage.
    Crowley 7680 sees Senka, The Wraith 13023 swooping in but can't dodge in time. Nails pierce Crowley 7680's Helm and stop just shy of cutting into their skull.

    TURN 2
    Crowley 7680 lunges towards Senka, The Wraith 13023, intent on winning, but comes back with only a mouthful of feathers and spits them out indignantly.
    Crowley 7680' shadows latch onto Senka, The Wraith 13023, draining them for 5 damage and leaving them at 59 health.
    With a fierce battle cry, Senka, The Wraith 13023 snaps at Crowley 7680' neck, but instead manages to miss.
    As the battle comes to a close, Crowley 7680 has the higher HP, making them the victor!

    Crowley 7680 earns 10 VALOR!
    Senka, The Wraith 13023 earns 2 VALOR!

    Crowley 7680 ends the fight with 100 health.
    Senka, The Wraith 13023 ends the fight with 59 health.

    Crowley 7680 walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1 Geiger’s Feather </a>
    <a href=""> 500 Baubles </a>