Comment 132697

Comment ID 132697

[Art] Inktober 2022 day 10, Crabby
Oct 11, 2022, 2:50:23 PM UTC on [Art] Inktober 2022 day 10, Crabby
haha "find me the six finger man"

um, Inigo, the thing is, we can serve him to you but...

(Princess Bride joke in case you don't know the movie)


  • Oct 11, 2022, 4:31:39 PM UTC
    Yup, seen Princess Bride and get it. XD
    I wondered if anyone would notice there are 6 fingers? I sometimes hide things in my art on purpose or leave things out. Just wondering if anyone will notice.
    • Oct 11, 2022, 8:10:59 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Oct 11, 2022 by ockyboo
      Haha yeah my sisters and I used to turn our hands into "finger horses" where the middle finger is the head, and we'd do surprisingly long games like that

      (as a tangent, we'd also make "Gigis" with our hands - thumb is the jaw, other four fingers the head - which were evil pacman's with razor sharp teeth - they'd chase and eat the horses. There were a bunch of other creatures too, a whole ecosystem basically Sweat Drop )

      Anyway, I'm weirdly used to seeing hand creatures, so I was pretty quick to notice when there were three fingers on one side xD
      • Oct 12, 2022, 4:02:09 AM UTC
        We made paper airplane airports with paper hangers. Making a mess of my Grandparent's hearth around their fireplace. LOL! We did do shadow puppets on sheets and on the inside of tents (camped a lot out in the yard when I was younger). "Finger Horses" were for stealing food off of each others plates. XD It's not weird. XD
        • Oct 12, 2022, 4:29:01 AM UTC
          Haha thats awesome, sounds like good memories xD It sounds fun to make a paper airplane hanger, I never thought of that 😄
          • Oct 12, 2022, 4:39:42 AM UTC
            It was, until Grandma got mad because we used up all the paper in the drawer and had paper airplanes all over. XD