Comment 140523

Comment ID 140523

[Art] [OCL Round 1] Against The Odds
Feb 19, 2023, 6:20:41 PM UTC on [Art] [OCL Round 1] Against The Odds
Genuinely love this - your scenes are just getting better and better! The environment or Aridin is absolutely lovely, especially your use of colour. Thats not even talking about the characters, and holy shit! Yeah, this is probably one of my fave pieces from u. I could gush about this forever ngl

Suave buddy you're doing great. Kill that giant ice scorpion with your silly little bucket friend you've GOT this!!!!!!!!!!! you're a strong boy!!!


  • Feb 21, 2023, 1:10:54 PM UTC
    If he doesn't win, the bucket boi should at least be enough of a distraction for Suave to flee the scene!
    Running away from his problems is Suave's true latent element.