Comment 140603

Comment ID 140603

Feb 21, 2023, 11:41:49 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Feb 21, 2023 by Oriannis on [Writing] OCL ROund 1 - "More"
Well. It's been a long two weeks. My mental health took a dive and life things happened. Still, here it is. Far from perfect and over the word limit but at this stage, I just want to hand in and have something to show.

That being said, I want to make it clear this isn't a call for sympathy. I just want to let others know of why this is late and why it's more of the hot mess I see it as. Judge as you all will and hopefully the next rounds are done better. Smile

ALSO! CHECK OUT ANEV'S SICK ENTRY! It's simply awesome! -


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