Comment 140658

Comment ID 140658

[Art] [#53] Fear
Feb 22, 2023, 2:04:29 PM UTC on [Art] [#53] Fear
Finnnn poor boy it hurts my heart to see him so terrified T^T (Oh yes, what a great way to show him your author-ly love... I'm guilty of that too heheh)

The darkness of this piece gives me shivers - it does capture that feeling of being closed in on all sides! I'm deploying Paiko to go rescue him - he's very at home in dark caves and he'll be happy to go retrieve Finley (he'll probably bring some glowy crystals with him to light the way) ^-^


  • Feb 27, 2023, 1:34:35 PM UTC
    Awww, thanks, Paiko! He's a gem, bless his kind soul <3
    (And thankyou so much for the kind words, as always it means the world to me!! c: )