Comment 141763

Comment ID 141763

[Art] Apnos - #57 Card
Mar 21, 2023, 2:42:12 AM UTC on [Art] Apnos - #57 Card
Ahahaaaa I love this Big Smile Jailbreaker Lan; like a lawyer, but on this side of the bars. And on the wrong side of the law.

Paiko might need her card - in the event he gets put in "time out" for borrowing shinys indefinitely without paying again...


  • Mar 21, 2023, 2:45:02 AM UTC
    Haha, well wrong side of the law doesn't necessarily mean she is the one in the wrong ;P

    "Anytime, Paiko, as long as you share your 'borrowed' shinys with me-" (says Lan)