Comment 142859

Comment ID 142859

[Art] Imani's Beat
Apr 24, 2023, 2:25:38 PM UTC on [Art] Imani's Beat
Beautiful rendering! I see you've done some digital art while I was away-- I can't wait to dig into the backlog and catch up. Imani sounds like she's going to be a blast to explore more of! (Funny coincidence: My spouse and I picked up our very first snake pet this weekend, lol, so all things snakey I am very much perking my head up at!)


  • May 17, 2023, 12:07:16 AM UTC
    Yay! I have missed you. And yes - my company got me an iPad Air for my 10th anniversary service award, so I started in digital back in November. Thank you for the kind words!