Comment 142897

Comment ID 142897

[Art] Night on the Town
Apr 25, 2023, 5:49:40 PM UTC on [Art] Night on the Town
Wow, that's a particularly bad breakup! Is Vincent the one with the feathers in your more recent pic of him and Johnny, or the one with the suspenders? (I'm still learning characters, apologies if it should be obvious!)


  • Apr 25, 2023, 8:39:58 PM UTC
    Yeah definitely was a rough breakup that has had lasting damages. But luckily Vincent is a stubborn goblin who isn't one to give up easily.

    Also, regarding the other picture you're talking about, it's actually Johnny in both the suspenders and with the dress/feathers! It was to kind of show a theme of "two sides of the same coin" as he is genderfluid (though biologically female) Big Smile
    • Apr 29, 2023, 3:53:14 PM UTC
      I understand now! I still love both these pics and I'm curious to see more of where their story could go on this setting!
      • May 2, 2023, 1:57:38 PM UTC
        Thank you! Yes I'm still debating if the world is set in this sort of time period, or if the area of the city they meet is like a themed red light district and everywhere else in the city is modern. ^^