Comment 143006

Parent Comment

Dec 1, 2022, 3:12:01 AM UTC
Battle Image/Lit: n/a

Your Rank: Razorbeak
Your Items: Fire Breath, Anaruq

Boss Battle?: no
Are you a Champion?: no

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: 2x Honey

Roll with shenanigans?: yes please!

Comment ID 143006

Apr 28, 2023, 12:27:12 AM UTC
With a growl, Faia tenses, feathers along their back rising, ready for the fight to begin. With a growl, Splish Splash tenses, feathers along their back rising, ready for the fight to begin.
Faia manages to strike a second faster than Splish Splash, earning them the first blow.
Faia lurches forward, a sound eminating from their gut like water coming to a boil. With no additional warning they crack open their beak and unleash an unstoppable jet of liquid fire at Splish Splash.
The heat scorches Splish Splash for 5 damage.
Attacking from the sky, Faia manages to catch Splish Splash with their beak for 10 damage.
Faia does 10 total damage to Splish Splash
Splish Splash leaps towards Faia with their claws extended, talons swishing through the air.
[AttackingStryx['s anaruq moves with them as they would with their pack. The canine rends Splish Splash with their teeth for 5 damage.
Twisting away from Splish Splash, Faia manages to get in a hit with their tail for 10 damage.
Faia does 10 total damage to Splish Splash
Faia chucks some dirt in Splish Splash' eyes, causing them to miss and stumble, unable to see.
Faia snaps their teeth at Splish Splash's neck, with a clack of their jaws they come away with only air.
Sprinting forwards, Splish Splash body slams Faia for 15 damage, making them stagger.
Splish Splash does 15 total damage to Faia
Faia has triumphed, defeating Splish Splash in a dramatic feat of strength. Faia is the VICTOR!
Faia has done 20 total damage!
Splish Splash has done 15 total damage!

Faia earns 10 VALOR!
Faia ends the fight with 50 health.
Splish Splash ends the fight with 80 health.
Faia walks away with:
<a href=""> 1 Tokens </a>
<a href=""> 1 Basic Armor </a>


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