Comment 143164

Comment ID 143164

May 3, 2023, 10:55:51 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on May 27, 2023 by Darkarcangel5 vs.
Battle Image/Lit: No

Your Rank: Gladiator
Your Items: Plasma Stone, Daius Prayer Candles from inventory and Armor-Durable from inventory.

Boss Battle?: Yes, unless previous battle was won
Are you a Champion?: yes,

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: Yes, Mash from inventory till full health

Roll with shenanigans?: Yes


  • Jul 18, 2023, 12:05:59 AM UTC
    Arcadia circles their opponent warily, prepared to strike. Ixqui circles their opponent warily, prepared to strike.
    Arcadia' chilling cry makes Ixqui hesitate a moment, allowing Arcadia to land the first blow.
    TURN 0
    With the unbridled power of a lightning strike Arcadia throws boiling, crackling plasma at Ixqui. Ixqui is torn into by the vicious bolt, reeling as the world around them flashes.
    Ixqui' head spins as electricity courses through their body for 15 damage, and shakes their head blearily.
    Out of ideas, Arcadia makes a move for Ixqui, and lands a hit for 45 damage.
    Arcadia does 45 total damage to Ixqui
    Ixqui leaps towards Arcadia with their claws extended, talons swishing through the air.
    TURN 1
    Feeling particularily clever, Arcadia makes a devious move for Ixqui, but Ixqui tries and fails to dodge it, and is hit solidly for 55 damage.
    Arcadia does 55 total damage to Ixqui
    Standing proud, Arcadia has knocked out Ixqui, making them the winner of the match!
    Arcadia is at maximum VALOR!
    Ixqui is at maximum VALOR!
    Arcadia ends the fight with 71 health.
    Ixqui ends the fight with 0 health.
    Arcadia walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1500 Baubles </a>
    <a href=""> 250 Baubles </a>
    <a href=""> 1000 Baubles </a>