Comment 143555

Comment ID 143555

[Art] Customer Service Strangling
May 15, 2023, 4:02:31 AM UTC on [Art] Customer Service Strangling
--the little bit of sticky tape ahaaaa XD I'm here for all the tape bits stuck to Kardia's horns.

And the slow but steady degradation of their patience from dealing with a chatty cat coworker to just. Tib. Who probably did nothing to trigger Kardia's wrath except by being Tib. (Maybe a bit of radiation too, who knows. Radiation makes people cranky.)


  • May 18, 2023, 12:04:26 AM UTC
    Ooooooooooh, thank you. that tape is Important, even if the hat still doesn't stay on

    Their patience is In Shambles. this is just what customer service does to them