Comment 143582

Comment ID 143582

[Art] Icarus reference 2022
May 15, 2023, 11:39:53 PM UTC on [Art] Icarus reference 2022
What does the 'Goliath Influence' mean for Icarus?


  • May 16, 2023, 8:58:24 AM UTC
    Goliath is a wyfex Entity ( - which means that the Viper has had its claws in Icarus-flavored soup.

    different Entities make different changes on a wyfex' body when they influence an individual, those changes often mirroring the Entity's own appearance.

    in Icarus' case, the influence consists of

    glass manipulation (,

    gaseous and colorful crux ( (,

    overall enhancement of the body's existing attributes (such as strength and speed),

    and Goliath's trademark; an openable mouth with sharp teeth.
    • May 18, 2023, 4:11:31 PM UTC
      Caught up on everything that you posted here and I'm currently reading over the ocsheet you sent.
      Icarus is terrifying and I loved learning more about him! Thanks for sharing your brain children and being willing to answer my questions ;o;
      • May 20, 2023, 9:44:17 AM UTC
        thank you for letting me dump this stuff on you 😂