Comment 145822

Parent Comment

May 3, 2023, 10:56:00 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on May 27, 2023 by Darkarcangel5 vs.
Battle Image/Lit: No

Your Rank: Gladiator
Your Items: Plasma Stone, Daius Prayer Candles from inventory and Armor-Durable from inventory.

Boss Battle?: Yes, unless previous battle was won
Are you a Champion?: yes,

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: Yes, Mash from inventory till full health

Roll with shenanigans?: Yes

Comment ID 145822

Jul 18, 2023, 12:07:08 AM UTC
Eager for the fight to begin, Arcadia claws the ground in anticipation. Ixqui rumbles deep in their throat, claws sinking into the earth as they prepare for the fight.
Arcadia manages to strike a second faster than Ixqui, earning them the first blow.
Arcadia's chest glows erratically, jumping from black to white. Despite Ixqui's deft maneuevering Arcadia's bolt of devastating plasma coarses from their flank to their chest.
Arcadia' blast of plasma slams into Ixqui for 6 damage and Ixqui staggers, disoriented.
Out of ideas, Arcadia makes a move for Ixqui, and lands a hit for 36 damage.
Arcadia does 36 total damage to Ixqui
Intent on finishing the fight, Ixqui chases after Arcadia, sure of a victory... only to run right into an obstacle.
With a fierce battle cry, Arcadia snaps at Ixqui' neck, and deals 46 damage with a solid chomp.
Arcadia does 46 total damage to Ixqui
Ixqui leaps downwards at Arcadia, their claws outstretched. What would have been a solid blow is rebuked by their Durable Armor.
Twisting suddenly, Arcadia manages to smack Ixqui with one of their wings, dealing 36 damage.
Arcadia does 36 total damage to Ixqui
Managing to get a last hit in, Arcadia knocks out Ixqui, winning the match!
Arcadia is at maximum VALOR!
Ixqui is at maximum VALOR!
Arcadia ends the fight with 71 health.
Ixqui ends the fight with 0 health.
Arcadia walks away with:
<a href=""> 1 Pendant of Nature Resistance </a>
<a href=""> 1 Lily Flowers </a>


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