Comment 151350

Comment ID 151350

[Art] This thing needs neutralised!
Dec 5, 2023, 9:05:10 AM UTC on [Art] This thing needs neutralised!
I really like the monochrome style, the perspective looks great and I like the composition you've chosen, how dynamic it feels (poor Bertrand, this attack missed, but it looks like he's got hit before).


  • Dec 5, 2023, 9:20:24 AM UTC
    Thank you so much! It was a bit tricky getting a decent composition (did a lot of stretching of the canvas to comfortably fit both Bertrand and Fo in), so I'm glad to hear you like it! (And yeah, Bertie took a few hits before, but not enough to slow him down!)
    • Dec 5, 2023, 12:23:59 PM UTC
      It was worth it! Putting the mimic the center and the characters on both sides of it and giving them enough space worked well, in my opinion., Composition-wise they are like a frame to the threat, so they appear greater than it, making it feel that they'll prevail.
      • Dec 5, 2023, 12:52:03 PM UTC
        Again, thank you! It's funny, it's like the mimics and the characters are framing one another in a weird way, but it turned out decent enough, I think? But yes, I like to thing that the pair will emerge victorious from this battle!