Comment 151957

Comment ID 151957

[Art] Let's see what's hiding in this place...
Dec 17, 2023, 6:47:01 PM UTC on [Art] Let's see what's hiding in this place...
I really like the perspective you chose, and the art gives me the vibes of going through a dark forest, only instead of trees there are bookshelves surrounding the character, but as with a forest, you don't really know what may be hiding there (I spot some green tentacles, Little Dead Hood, be careful).


  • Dec 17, 2023, 8:01:30 PM UTC
    Thank you very much! I wanted to go with a weird interior since it was a place affected by a Lovecraftian force, so I figured I'd try my hand at a wacky, nonsensical perspective that doesn't necassarily make any sense. And that's quite correct; like a forest, you can never be sure if you're truly alone...