Comment 153977

Parent Comment

Feb 5, 2024, 12:43:57 PM UTC
Holysht, this is incredibly well written. You keep impressing me with your ever-growing vocabulary. It is very well-rounded in its everything, and you've conveyed their personalities so very well! It's an honor to have my character, Tyrvalor, to have a role in this story.

Would you mind it if I draw this as a scene for the portal prompt?

Comment ID 153977

Thank you so much for the praise, you know how critical I am about my writing and reading this means a lot to me, especially because I mainly wrote it for you Heart

Of course you are free to draw this! It'd be an honor!!


  • Feb 7, 2024, 10:47:11 PM UTC
    You should read before you judge your own stuff, because it's GOOD.

    Violence is the best, especially when well-written. Huehue, now, as for the art~ Thanks!