Comment 154904

Comment ID 154904

[Art] Battle with Slime
Mar 3, 2024, 8:14:57 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Mar 3, 2024 by Serena-Siren on [Art] Battle with Slime
the slime is so derpy but I love the shading from the fire on the character.Though just as a tip since slimes are more liquid the way you would shade the fire is also a bit different it would be more blurry and cover more of the slime kinda like up you but a light going through jello.oh and the side profile is pretty good along with the pose (amazing) but you have the side profile haveing lips but also have a moth on the side so unless your character has open mouth on the cheek (if they do cool!) then you could also move the lips of the side profile.


  • Mar 3, 2024, 10:11:32 PM UTC
    Thx for the advice! Also, the lip thing is a stylistic choice, I just think it looks good.
    • Mar 4, 2024, 4:01:46 PM UTC
      It looks great, and you're welcome for the advice. I enjoy helping people!