Comment 15586

Parent Comment

Oct 5, 2005, 2:10:56 PM UTC
Erg... new hard drives and what not are never pleasant to deal with. It requires backing everything up first, which is a pain.

Comment ID 15586

[Art] S.T.A.R.S.
Oct 6, 2005, 3:02:09 AM UTC on [Art] S.T.A.R.S.
You're telling me ^^; I nearly had a heart attack when I thought my brother had shifted all my art and wrting to the new drive, and found my writing had stayed- I thouhgt I had lost it all!!! Hlaf of my storys folder (20 stories??) Is equivelent time spent or more of my WHOLE pictures gallery. And I have a @#$ load of pics I've drawn on my personal gallery. To lose that kind of time and effort? Holy crap. I would've been just SLIGHTLY annouyed. More than when he deleted (mistakingly) my first 'long' story( 2 pages for a 10 year old is ALOT- excpecially in first choice!!! size 5 font or what on dot-matrix? ^^; )


  • Oct 6, 2005, 5:03:43 AM UTC
    Oh, god, dot matrix... Wow, that seems forever ago. With the paper that had the perferrated edges so the printer could grab it and all? Those were so much fun! We used to fold the edges over each other.

    I would have died if that happened. If I had a sibling, he would have died. Painful, violent, bloody death.
    • Oct 6, 2005, 10:11:33 PM UTC
      Yup- the dotted paper Smile Uhhh- he is still alive. Maybe cause he was twice my size back then ^^;