Comment 156003

Comment ID 156003

[Art] Talent: Playing the NOKIA
Mar 16, 2024, 5:09:11 PM UTC on [Art] Talent: Playing the NOKIA
Ngl, I thought you were going to Rickroll everyone who opened that, and I'm thanking my lucky stars right now that you didn't. Your whole character set is amazing and I wish I had been creative enough to make something like those when I first started, haha


  • Mar 16, 2024, 8:40:52 PM UTC
    Omg I would never-!! *scribbles that down*
    Thank you so much! I just like drawing character interactions so I figured it'd be easier for me to just make a bunch of em so I can smash them against each other without fear xD (and if you're open to it, I'd love to draw ur ocs in the future!!)
    • Mar 16, 2024, 9:07:41 PM UTC
      AHHHH a collab would be awesome! I'm in the middle of one rn, but you drawing my oc would be awesome!