Comment 157018

Comment ID 157018

[Art] Airship Race - In Avangard
Apr 10, 2024, 11:41:06 AM UTC on [Art] Airship Race - In Avangard
I find it fascinating how much this looks like an historical painting, the gentle colors of the sky and that of the hill tops, like a divine mission of some sort. This is, of course, a race, but the elements within this illustration make their cause seem important. I like that!

May the winds blow in their favor! And thank you for including Tyrvalor in it! It's an honor!


  • Apr 10, 2024, 7:07:24 PM UTC
    Thank you so much. I love playing with colors and painting some nature backgrounds. A listened a lot to some epic game/movie music while drawing this, maybe it had some influence XD

    Thank you so much that is really sweet Wink
    • Apr 10, 2024, 7:15:27 PM UTC
      This definitely IS movie quality, so yes, it may have had some influence on your illustration, haha! It's great. You know what to do next time when you have the energy to. 😉😂

      My pleasure!~