Comment 22041

Parent Comment

Jan 4, 2006, 8:47:38 AM UTC
Hiya Vegetacub. Here is your roast as requested...

The first thing I noticed when looking at your horse sketches is that it sort of looks like you are trying to put human anatomy on a horse. Especially with the horse on the lower left of this piece. It looks more like a human shoulder than a horse's shoulder. I think what you need to do is get some reference and learn the anatomy of a horse. Whenever any artist attempts to draw an animal they are unfamiliar with should get anatomical reference. Especially for a horse because horses are probably the hardest animal to draw.

Art thumbnail
I've uploaded a sample for you to show the basic rhythm of a horse. The one on the left is just a profile showing the rhythms of the bone structure. The one on the bottom right is a redrawing of yours. and the top right is my redrawing of your pose with the knowledge of anatomy.

I just uploaded it for a sample. Don't use my work as reference as I don't have a lot of experience drawing horses. The description of it mentions a couple good anatomy books that you may want to check out.

Comment ID 22041

[Art] Horse sketches
Jan 4, 2006, 1:39:04 PM UTC on [Art] Horse sketches
Thank you for your Replay. I have a little book who shows drawing horses, with excactly these details of anatomy. This I will use when I did my next horse drawing.
