Comment 24658

Comment ID 24658

[Art] F.E.A.R. for Brethesen
Feb 8, 2006, 7:01:20 PM UTC on [Art] F.E.A.R. for Brethesen
It looks good, luv! I like the contrast you've achieved in this one. The details aren't as high-quality as in some of your other recent works, but it still looks loverly. (of course, I know -nothing- about the game...)

I rub you!


  • Feb 9, 2006, 10:29:37 AM UTC
    Why thank you my dearest. And yes this one isn't as detailed because I had decided at the last minute to make t in black and white. Oh and did I mention I am in love with airbrushing now? yes. I am in love with it. I might marry it. I know nothing about the game either. But Joni does and I will do anything for my Joni. Smile I don't even know their names or anything. Ah well. I am working on a fairy right now for my sister. It is going to be her next tattoo. So I am going to try to get that done soon. I love you muchly my love. Mwah!
    • Feb 9, 2006, 6:36:40 PM UTC
      Oooh! More tatoos! That sounds exciting, luv. Wink