Comment 2592

Parent Comment

May 29, 2005, 3:08:28 PM UTC
You do such a wonderful job. I keep checking your gallery to see the new artwork! And your niece is quite the prodigy, too (takes after her aunt) lol ^_^

Comment ID 2592

[Art] Sesshomaru should be a God!
May 29, 2005, 4:14:03 PM UTC on [Art] Sesshomaru should be a God!
Wow, thank you so much for the awesome compliment. It means alot to me. I'm so happy that you enjoy my work so much. That makes me feel like I'm doing it right. My niece is amazingly talented for her young age. She doesn't seem to think so but I try to encourage her everyday. She's an awesome little girl. Thank you again for always leaving me such comforting reviews.


  • May 29, 2005, 10:56:21 PM UTC
    You do great ^_^ You obviously enjoy it very much, which is really what it's all about: passion.
    Your niece is very talented, too, and she's lucky to have you there to encourage/support/train her. I bet you guys have loadsa fun together!
    • May 30, 2005, 8:53:36 AM UTC
      I do so enjoy it. Of course, right now, I mostly just replicate anime characters, but I'm still trying to find my own unique style. My niece and I do have so much fun together. We're like two peas in a pod and I consider her more like my own child then my niece. The poor thing has had a tough life so far. Her dad died a few years ago of a drug OD and she was just recently taken away from her mother because of neglect. I don't mean to air my family's dirty laundry here, but I thought I should give everyone an insight into our strong bond. I'm the only person in her life that she can run to and that gives me so much pride. Which is why I'm glad she likes to draw so much . She may not have much in her life, but at least she has her talent. And I hope she'll never lose sight of that.
      • May 30, 2005, 11:20:30 PM UTC
        It sounds like you're helping your niece so much in the time you spend with her, the encouragement you give her, and the emotional needs you're no doubt meeting for her. I'm so sad to hear about things being so rough for her! She's only 11, right? That's awful Sad
        She's fortunate to have you there to lean on and to support her. It's a big responsibility, but it sounds like you're proud and thrilled to do it. You guys are both very blessed to have eachother Smile
        • May 31, 2005, 7:41:45 AM UTC
          Aww, thank you so much. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. I consider myself very lucky to have her in my life. She is a little ray of sunshine that brightens up my day. I am so proud to be able to contribute any knowledge I have to her. I guess it's just the "care-taker" in me. Would you believe I'm only 25? People tell me I'm an old soul. Whatever. I'm happy to do it. Thank you so much for your kind words. I will take them to heart.
          • May 31, 2005, 10:24:27 AM UTC
            I'm so happy for both of you! It's awesome that you're so young and still taking on something like this (and doing extremely well, it sounds like Wink. She's a lucky girl. It's cool to think that maybe one day she'll look back and see all the support & love gave her and know that those things were the things that provided her with the motivation and encouragement to succeed in whatever she accomlishes by then. Which I'm sure will be alot. I'm very happy for both of ya ^_^
            • May 31, 2005, 10:32:56 AM UTC
              Thank you so much. You are such a sweet heart. I get such a swell of pride in my chest when I hear things like that. I do my best for her. I hope she can stick with it through thick and thin. I showed her some flames on another site so she can see how closed-minded some people can be. I even showed her the flame I got on my Sesshy pic over at that site. What we see as art, some people get offended by. Either that Or they just want to bring you down. Besides, we do our art for ourselves, mostly. Ultimately, we make the decision to share it with the rest of the world.
              • May 31, 2005, 11:00:57 AM UTC
                You're doing a great job with her, I can tell. You really love her, and that's all you need, because everything stems from that.
                I think the people who flame are just insecure about themselves and have to drag people thery're jealous of down with them. So, I guess in a twisted way, it's a compliment! lol
                • May 31, 2005, 11:10:05 AM UTC
                  I'm going to work on proportion ratios with her next. I'm trying to teach her that she doesn't need to really erase every bad line she draws. She's having problems grasping that aspect of it. I guess I used to be like that too. I was so anal about every line on my pics. It had to look perfect! The only problem was that it ended up doing more harm than good. I ended up with all of these smudge marks where the paper kept being erased. Then I learned that I could really wit until I had the whole thing drawn before I did any erasing and I find that way much, much better. *smiles*
                  As far as the flames go, that's exactly how I look at it. they at least took their time to look at my art. And at least they typed something instead of just looking at it and passing it by.
                  • May 31, 2005, 11:16:09 AM UTC
                    I understand about those frustrating lines; it was like that for me too. good to teach her early now and reduce her frustration!
                    You guys rawk ^_^
                    • May 31, 2005, 1:53:07 PM UTC
                      Yeah! We Rock out loud! Just kidding, but it was sweet of you to say so. Erase lines suck. Now if I screw up too badly. I can correct it on my Photoshop editor. Thank god for technology.
                      • May 31, 2005, 11:33:30 PM UTC
                        LOL! Yes, technology inspires love/hate at the same time with burning passion. And yet, how did we ever survive? Corky Smile
                        • Jun 1, 2005, 10:05:24 AM UTC
                          Yeah, really. How did the cave-men do it? I'd go nuts without T-Vo and the internet. *laughs* I am always amazed at the new technology that these moguls come up with. I don't think I could have ever survived in any other era. Not to mention the fact that I'm not a meat eater and that seemed to be the diet of choice back then. Heh, heh.
                          • Jun 1, 2005, 9:50:15 PM UTC
                            It's pretty amazing, huh? We would probably panic if we lived in another time without all our technological aids! On that note, have you seen those Geico commercials with the cavemen? So wrong, but funny ^_^
                            • Jun 4, 2005, 10:02:37 AM UTC
                              I don't think I've seen those commercials. But I do so love that little lizard. I usually only watch tv at night... and that's only to watch Inuyasha or the Anime Network. I'm usually just drawing, writing, on my computer, or helping my niece with her artwork. I do think I'd die without a computer. It's my home within a home. Tee, hee, hee.
                              • Jun 4, 2005, 11:46:08 AM UTC
                                I know what you mean! I'd probably curl into a ball and whimper 'til I died of loneliness if I ever lost my pewter! lol It's terrible, really, but true ^_^