Comment 27052

Comment ID 27052

[Art] Grounded (revised)
Mar 14, 2006, 3:36:21 PM UTC on [Art] Grounded (revised)
Wow, there's so much to this work, I don't know where to begin. It brings out a lot of emotions. The first one that came to mind was determination. She seems determined to break through her prison even though it appear that there is no way to do so. I see her as being very strong willed and capable. She also makes me sad, like she put herself into this prison and wasn't exactly "forced" into it. Very deep. Great job. It really is very stunning!


  • Mar 15, 2006, 10:24:33 AM UTC
    Worship That is the first time I think that anyone has ever really understood the feelings behind my work. Of course alot of my "darker" pics are completely metaphoric of either my life or the life of someone I know and love. This one (with the chains and all) is pretty much symbolic of my dark feelings and being trapped in them. Like heartache and sickness and all of that. So you were completely right on with the emotions from this one. Thank you so much for completely understanding this drawing. You have no idea how honored I am. All my love. *hugs*