Comment 28120

Comment ID 28120

[Art] Harmakhis  grey tint
Mar 26, 2006, 11:10:44 AM UTC on [Art] Harmakhis grey tint
Cool sphinxes you got there! Lemmie guess, you like sphinxes? ^^ Me too! ^.~ This one is really cool, but did you intend for there to be sketchy marks around it? It is kinda cool with it there, but it would look great if you took them away and added a tiny hint of color. It gives the picture a...focus point, for lack of better term.


  • Mar 27, 2006, 3:05:11 AM UTC
    Um- ^ ^' Some of them. The picture was supposed to look sketchy, but a few of the lines are actually the border of where I cut it out. *sigh* Really should have erased those. The picture started with me using black watercolor pencils to draw, and when I went to darken it with water, it spread. Twas' a bit annoying at first, but I ended up really liking it.
    I DID color the eyes purple, but the shade was wrong so... I quit there before I tried using brown over grey. :p Nice to see that isn't noticable. ... ... ... Crap, I just ruined my cover didn't I?
    ^ ^;
    • Mar 27, 2006, 6:21:14 AM UTC
      XD Nice. It does look good, I would have never noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. *Peers at eyes* You know, if I squint my eyes and turn my head to the side, I think I can tell that they have a bit of color to them. VERY hard to see, though. No worries!
    • Mar 29, 2006, 2:23:10 AM UTC
      Wait a second- TAMA, you've been pulling my leg!!!!!!!! Best Buddies
      Thank you for joining pd!!