Comment 28239

Comment ID 28239

[Art] Darkstalker Morrigan
Mar 27, 2006, 4:34:10 PM UTC on [Art] Darkstalker Morrigan
I love the perspective on this drawing - way too bold for me to try. You are always so fearless in how you draw!


  • Mar 28, 2006, 8:12:07 AM UTC
    Not really. I always have a fear I might screw something up, but thats when you have to wake up and sort of realize that it's only paper and pencil. You can always erase and try again till you get what you're looking for. Not trying new things and things that might be difficult, I feel really limits an artists range.
    And these days, with the talent thats out there, we need as much range as we can get!