Comment 30612

Comment ID 30612

[Art] Sick 'em!
May 4, 2006, 11:00:21 PM UTC on [Art] Sick 'em!
I love how you've drawn this. I really like the loosness of your pencil strokes. it's really beautifully done. So in that regard, i think you probably shouldn't color it. but i dunno. depends on if you tighten up the lines when you color.


  • May 5, 2006, 1:51:16 PM UTC
    oh why thank you!!

    *nods* I do agree with you. ^^ Im not planning on coloring this afterall. =3
    • May 6, 2006, 6:32:39 AM UTC
      I agree with BR as well i think colouring it wil just ruin it