Comment 31514

Parent Comment

May 13, 2006, 6:50:35 PM UTC
Woah, trippy. Really cool though.
Looks like shes passing between states of matter...

Comment ID 31514

[Art] Mountains
May 14, 2006, 7:19:12 PM UTC on [Art] Mountains
I never saw it like that before


  • May 14, 2006, 7:23:20 PM UTC
    I said it because the hair reminds me of the wind or clouds blowing down from the moutains, while her upper body seems solid. The dress seems to dissipate away into a gas again, almost ghostly...btw, what are those ominous hands reaching torward her?
    • May 14, 2006, 8:44:43 PM UTC
      This was kind of an abstract piece illustrating where I was in my life. There are ribbons wrapping around her that lightly bound her, they can be easily pushed away but she doesnt even realize it. Her hair flows back in the distance and into the night, showing my..for the lack of a better word, distance. lol. Things are whispy because they are unsure, but there seems to be some stable things in my life that I had turned my back to. Shes crying, of course, because I was sad. She's reaching for help, from anyone, and FINALLY..The ominous hands signify my parents. The black smokes up into all of the unsure lines in a attempt to illustrate them poisoning the pureness. Dont tell them any of that though! Lmao