Comment 34357

Parent Comment

Jun 13, 2006, 7:56:25 PM UTC
Heheh... and naturally, my comments are the coolest of all. Laughing Kidding. ONly kidding. So what other site are you on? I am on Fanart Central, here, deviant, and Sheezyart.
Want to no a secret? Come closer. No closer. Okay wait! That's close enough. You could almost see up my nose there. Well anyways my secret is this... I never even drew anything anime until a few years ago. It was actually when I discovered the world of anime (hey, I told you I was a late bloomer with that) that I started drawing various characters. More Inuyasha characters than anything else. I found that since the lines were so bold, they were easy to reproduce. But then I got into doing realism. Which is my biggest passion. Well with art anyways. *grins*
I find it is always refreshing to go back and look at my older works. It makes me feel so much better now with my skill level. I am working on digital art. I found a paint program that I could understand because I think it was made for dummies. And I have been learning myself how to color with that. I am getting better at it with each new picture I do. I think I have achieved advanced rookie status.
Anyway, whatever you are doing love in terms of your style, keep doing it because you have definite talent and you should be proud. I know I am so proud of you. *hugging you until the vein on your head pops out due to lack of oxygen*

Comment ID 34357

[Art] "once upon a time...
Jun 14, 2006, 9:04:15 AM UTC on [Art] "once upon a time...
when i was like little little(well you know)i somewhere on one russian chanell saw sailourmoon..and i thought..ohh my..they have too long hair and so long legs..that not natural..i think i was about 7 or 8

i never knew anime existed till i started getting interesed in


  • Jun 14, 2006, 9:52:13 AM UTC
    Hahaha! And now I bet you see them in a whole new light. I bet you have more of an appreciation for them now that you are a young lad. Big Smile I watch anime purely for cultural purposes. *cough cough* Yeah right. I feel so pathetic. I think I am the only one that didn't discover anime until I was already and adult. >< Ah well. C'est la vie.
    • Jun 14, 2006, 9:57:33 AM UTC
      i still think their legs are too long and hair way to weird...:p