Comment 46378

Comment ID 46378

[Art] Harmakhis
Nov 9, 2006, 8:57:27 PM UTC | Total Edits: 5 | Last edited on Nov 9, 2006 by heartrate-monitor on [Art] Harmakhis
It says "Roast me," but your comment says "Forbidden Fruit."

Since I don't want to say anything, I just put up a redline.
Image attached


  • Nov 11, 2006, 12:52:29 PM UTC
    It was originally forbidden, but one of my friends wanted to post on it, so I changed it to roast. However, I forgot to change the comment...< < oops. Anyway, thanks for the redline, it was helpful. ^ ~
    • Dunno Don&#39;Care
      Nov 19, 2006, 9:50:28 AM UTC
      Aw, you are so sweet! When did I get upgraded to 'friend' status?

      Anyway, enough fraternizing.
      I like this piece of art. I especially like the flippy thing in her hair; that one rogue strand that is gettin' loose. But I think her shoulders are off. wouldn't the one further from us be lower than the one closer? She has the look of... Well, I duuno, like she is dipping her left shoulder (The one closest to us) down, in almost a slouch on one side. Ugh, I can't seem to articulate what I want to say at the moment. I had a point to make, but I seem to have blown it up. Sorry.

      Besides that, I love it. Mm hm. *Nods approvingly* ^^
      • Dec 24, 2006, 1:59:52 AM UTC
        Anyone that posts a roast is a friend! About her shoulders-it is suppost to be a kind of "look of the shoulder" type of shrug, like she's looking down on you. I love the color, but can't seem to get over the bad curves to the limbs. Oh, and i think someone from Deviantart applied for this contest-and copied my terrible form....^ ^;