Comment 47175

Parent Comment

Nov 29, 2006, 9:31:22 AM UTC
That doesn't look like a lollipop! That's alright, though.

Wow, three hours? Impressive work for three hours. You must color very quickly.

Comment ID 47175

[Art] Boom Boom Side B
Nov 29, 2006, 1:10:14 PM UTC on [Art] Boom Boom Side B
Why, it's not really a lollipop.

As for the coloring, I use floodfill with the wand tool to a special setting.


  • Nov 29, 2006, 1:50:36 PM UTC
    Oooh, flood fill and wands. >< Not a fan of those, lol. But it looks good when you do it.

    No, it doesn't look like a lollipop.