Comment 47978

Comment ID 47978

[Art] Political Shark
Dec 21, 2006, 3:18:13 AM UTC on [Art] Political Shark
You know- My friend has a tee-shirt "Vote for Pedro" I was thinking how ultimatly hilarious it would be if the monkey wore that XD LOL! No, seriously- that's a cool shark. I should show my friend Vic this. She's a big Shark fan ^^


  • Dec 21, 2006, 12:53:09 PM UTC
    Hey thats exactly what i was intent on doing 'the vote 4' shirt but then the monkey would be out of character and it would make it hardere the get the pun and figer out that its barbossaSweat Drop so i hung a sign on him. I like jack he reall ycame out pissed and the shark looks really slyO.o.
    • Dec 21, 2006, 1:32:40 PM UTC
      Yeah- I must say- he IS a shifty looking guy XD Imagine if all politicians WERE sharks though O.o

      "Put all your complaints in the complaints bin- my mouth" O.o
      • Dec 21, 2006, 5:30:30 PM UTC
        Well not exactly, but your on the right course- i got this frum a business term, i think it was a lenging shark or something to that effect. Well he serrtenlly won the elections- they morroned jack after all ^^. In all honesty i have not a clue were this sudden erge to do pirates of the caribbean fanar is comming from.. yes there lots more where that pic came from..*save me*