Comment 52029

Comment ID 52029

[Art] Diana
May 1, 2007, 10:34:54 PM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on May 14, 2007 by Minimaid on [Art] Diana
She looks great Wayne! One of your best women yet. Wink The only thing I would suggest is a few less lines in the stomach area. Women don't have quite the same angle to the muscles in their six-packs as men do - especially near the groin area. Those two lines leading into her loin cloth would be tapered a bit more outward. Other than that, you've done a splendid job! The pose is great, the weapons look awesome, and her face is properly smug. Great job!


  • May 13, 2007, 8:57:24 PM UTC
    Thank you for the critique and the comment my sweet. It is most appreciated and I'll keep that in mind about the muscle structure. *hugs*