Comment 54459

Comment ID 54459

[Art] Sali with Butterflies
Aug 13, 2007, 7:48:28 PM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Aug 13, 2007 by Draith on [Art] Sali with Butterflies
Aw, the butterflies are really nice. It took me a moment to realize they were wings the butterflies were lighting on, but I'm just not so observant sometimes... Sweat Drop
Nice pose! I love crossed arms poses, and you did a really nice job. Corky Smile


For linking with a name... do this without the [ ] parts, but any spaces I have are supposed to be there.
<[a] href[=]"URLofthingermajogger"[>]name you want it to be even with spaces is ok</[a]>

The result is this: <a href="">Sali with Butterflies</a>

[edit]....and apparently doesn't work on PaperDemon... how sad. Anyways, on OTHER websites and such, that html works. If I find out how to do it here, I'll let you know, sorry...


  • Aug 13, 2007, 8:50:47 PM UTC
    thank you I'm glad you like it! ^__^

    and thank you for trying to help me figure out the html linking, even though it doesn't want to cooperate...
    • Aug 14, 2007, 8:22:35 PM UTC
      I found out! Lol, "Arkillian" here had an image in her photos about it.
      You highlight the word you want to be a hyperlink, click on the image of the globe with the chain (on the HTML editing bar above where you write your description in the box), and type or paste in the address.
      That should do it. Corky Smile
      • Aug 14, 2007, 9:42:58 PM UTC
        *gasp* *tacklehugs* thank you!!! Smile You are awesome. That's very kind of you to get back to me on that! ^__^