Comment 5630

Comment ID 5630

[Art] Bad Sugar Bear
Jun 30, 2005, 12:55:46 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jun 30, 2005 by BogusRed on [Art] Bad Sugar Bear
hahah That dog has such a mischevious grin on it's face. I hope your dad enjoys this drawing. It seems like you really captured the personality of your dad's dog.


  • Jun 30, 2005, 2:30:57 PM UTC
    Thank you BogusRed! Smile Yes, I gave it to him and he laughed at it(in a good way). I swear, when she gets into trouble she looks like she is grinning like an imp, only when she does it in real life her mouth is open and her tounge is hanging out. Then when my dad goes after her she runs away playfully.