Comment 58443

Parent Comment

Sep 20, 2007, 12:08:19 AM UTC
I have commissions and art I owe people (like my roommate who will KILL me if I don't finish the art she wants xD Mean nasty pirate she is...always picking on us ninjas XP) ANYWAY....I understand and mine might be awhile too but I'm sooo going to draw it! Yus I am!

Oh....I just keep on rambing and didn't answer your question. I would LOVE it if you could draw my Trevor for raving and stuff (twirling those glowsticks around xD).

Comment ID 58443

[Art] Subeta - Girl Talk
Sep 20, 2007, 12:11:10 AM UTC on [Art] Subeta - Girl Talk
DUDE. That would be awesome! Yay! glowsticks! :dances:

And uh, I hope your roomie doesn't kill you! Shun would be sad! And I would be sad! D: And 'Nuka would be sad! So many people would be sad. Then we'd all go after your room mate. XD

ANYWAY. Yes I will draw that for you heehee. Big Smile


  • Sep 20, 2007, 12:17:09 AM UTC
    Trevor is hella fun! Really he is! A crazy raver druggie....yes he takes the drugs (mostly he's on ecstacy every time he goes clubbing xD Hahaha....he really needs to stop bringing random men back home.

    Yeah everyone would be sad if I died...but I would just come back from the grave as a zombinja (zombie ninja) *it's an inside joke with me and my roomie* XD