Comment 59008

Comment ID 59008

[Art] One day...
Sep 23, 2007, 3:05:30 PM UTC on [Art] One day...
This is a lovely picture! I like the flow on it. The guy at the bottom (I think it's Rufus?) seems to have odd legs, but other than that, this has a nice mysterious romance feel to it ^^ I like Big Smile


  • Sep 23, 2007, 3:10:50 PM UTC
    Thanks, glad you like it. ^___^

    Odd legs? O_o
    • Sep 23, 2007, 4:07:22 PM UTC
      Yeah- I'm not sure why they seem odd to me... Maybe the knee needs to be bigger cause it makes the legs look to short otherwise. It's just that he has this nice long flowing body and the legs kinda stop it for some reason. Maybe I got confused cause the flow of the picture stopped cause you got to the bottom of the page and had to bend them or something...
      • Sep 23, 2007, 9:56:33 PM UTC
        Hahah You know I think that's exactly what happened... they're just bent at the knee because I had no paper left down there, and Tseng is so tall. ahahahah.
        • Sep 24, 2007, 5:01:11 AM UTC
          Oh well ^^; As a side note, if you bent the knees of the other guy, it would've balanced out well. Otherwise, you can crop it down to their groins and that makes a great flow again ^^ Focuses more on their faces that way too Smile As a full body, you focus onthe flow of their body rather than thier face.
          • Sep 24, 2007, 10:15:42 AM UTC
            I think I'll leave it that way it is. It's very old at this point and not really on my radar to alter. hahahah Thanks though. <3