Comment 59177

Comment ID 59177

[Art] Joukasareta InuYasha
Sep 25, 2007, 7:14:56 AM UTC on [Art] Joukasareta InuYasha
Actually the background does a good job of keeping your focus on Inu himself so it's a good one for this. Plus it makes him stand out better. I like how you have his hair floating around in the breeze.


  • Sep 25, 2007, 8:25:15 PM UTC
    Thank you very much! Whew, I still thought that the background is really plain, glad that someone else likes it.
    • Sep 27, 2007, 2:05:22 PM UTC
      Sometimes a plain background makes a picture look better than one that is fancy as it will keep the focus where it is intended to be - on the subject matter not the background.