Comment 59304

Parent Comment

Sep 24, 2007, 10:01:36 PM UTC
It is intricate and man-made--about 5 hours worth of man made. >.< I thought I was going to rip my hair out when I was drawing it.

Comment ID 59304

[Art] Tsubasa
Sep 26, 2007, 1:57:05 AM UTC on [Art] Tsubasa
I hope you managed the pick without ripping hair out ^^; Bald patches aren't nice. It was worth it though.


  • Sep 26, 2007, 7:58:05 PM UTC
    *laughs* Well after drawing it twice... it was a bit of a struggle but I redrew it like a year after I had started it too >.< There was a huge break between... But I will most likely lose hair if I ever do anything mechanical in a pic again. >.<