Comment 61205

Comment ID 61205

[Art] Anipike Mascot Trixie - Happy
Oct 31, 2007, 10:12:02 AM UTC on [Art] Anipike Mascot Trixie - Happy
You have a wonderful amount of detail in this! The greenish gourd on the bottom is really impressive in this respect, for how much consideration you put into the color variation and the design of its bumpy surface! Even that one part is worth commenting.
I really like that hat, also. The shiny, almost liquid-like look to it is so intriguing, and it makes me want to touch it. The crinkles and folds in it are really nicely done and add to that feeling.
Your eye style here is very attractive, the way the iris is cut into by the shines on the bottom looks more realistic than drawing the black outlines (of which I'm guilty).
Her earrings are really nice, and I love that you hinted at her OTHER hair clip, even though it's mostly covered by the hat! Again, such attention to detail.
The pumpkin's colors are just lovely, both of them.
Last but not least (in fact the first thing I noticed from the front-page thumbnail), I love how the wings aren't ostentatiously drawn in. Leaving them hinted at in almost a kind of shadow really adds something to the image. You get that mystery, that intrigue that makes Halloween that much more fun.


  • Nov 1, 2007, 2:59:16 AM UTC
    Wow! Thank you thousand times for this incredible kind and lovely comment!!!!!! I'm very happy you like this image!^_____^